SBP Research Bulletin

 Instructions/Guidelines for the Authors

Instructions to Authors for Submission in the SBP-Research Bulletin

  • Name of the author(s) must not be mentioned on the manuscript.
  • Attach a covering letter indicating title of the article, name(s) & email of the author(s) along with institutional affiliation.
  • Abstract of about 100 words with JEL Classification and Keywords must be included.

                    [Download information on JEL code(s) from:

  • Text should be double-spaced, one-inch margin on all sides (A4 paper size).
  • Times New Roman font style with font size of 11 should be used.
  • List of references to appear at the end of the text in alphabetical order. Some Examples:

    Ahmad, E. and S. Ali (1999). "Exchange Rate and Inflation Dynamics." Pakistan Development
    Review, 38, 3: 235-251.

    Greene, W. (1993). Econometric Analysis. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

    Haque, N. ul and P. Montiel (1999). "Long-Run Real Exchange Rate Changes in Developing
    Countries." In L. Hinkle and P. Montiel (eds.). Exchange Rate Misalignments: Concepts and
    Measurements for Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. (pp. 381-404)

    Reinhart, C. and K. Rogoff (2002). The Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements: A
    Reinterpretation. NBER Working Paper 8963. Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic
  • In the text, references to appear as follows:

    Seminal work in this regard remains Krugman (1979) ... Ahmad and Ali (1999) who argue that ...
    See, Greene (1993), Gujarati (1995) for a review ... A host of authors [Persson and Tabellini (1990),

    Alesina and Drazen (1991), among others] have shown ...

  • When more than two authors to quote, use "et al."
  • Equations or Formulas must be numbered on the extreme right as (1), (2), (3), ... consecutively.
    Variables/Characters used in them must be defined clearly. When referring to the Equations or Formulas, always quote as "Equation (1)", etc.
  • Produce Tables and Figures at the end of the manuscript (after the References). Indicate in the main text where to insert the Tables and Figures.
  • Construct the Tables of size 3". Do not over-decorate. Do not leave any column or row blank. No
    colors. Give title, for example:

                                      Table 1. Real GDP of Pakistan, 1960-2004 (millions of Rs)

  • Do not overload Figures (of size 3") with information and avoid over-decoration, label appropriately.
    No colors. Do not use italics. Give title, for example:

                                  Figure 1. Pakistan's Real GDP Growth, 1960-2004 (% annual)
  • In case of regression analysis, make sure that the data as well as detail of any specialized software used is readily available upon requirement.
  • Data used in Graphs/figures should be sent in Excel format separately.
  • Paper should not exceed 25 pages, excluding References and Appendices.

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