State Bank of Pakistan has been publishing the Research Bulletin regularly since 2005. Its objective is to publish latest research in various fields of macroeconomics with focus on monetary and exchange rate economics and policies, including those related to banking and finance. It also disseminates research on prevailing topics under debate in scholarly discussions in academic and policy circles at domestic and international levels.
State Bank of Pakistan Research Bulletin is a double blind peer reviewed (by at least one international reviewer) economics research journal. It is indexed & abstracted internationally. The Research Bulletin is indexed in EconLit, which is the American Economic Association's comprehensive resource to the world's economic literature. SBP also indexes the Research Bulletin into global database of research papers in economics (RePEc). Its hard copies are distributed to national/international academic institutions, central banks, and main libraries. Currently, SBP Research Bulletin is under consideration by Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan, for recognition.
You are invited to submit your academic research paper. A short note or a book review may also be submitted. The research work submitted to the Research Bulletin shall not be submitted elsewhere.
Guidelines for authors are available on Instructions/Guidelines for the Authors.
Authors are also encouraged to read Review and Publication Policy.
The Research Bulletin is released online at SBP website:
A complimentary copy of the printed version of the Bulletin is also sent to each contributory author.
Last date for submission of research work for SBP Research Bulletin
for current year issue is
August 31.
Any paper submitted after this date will be considered for the next year issue.
Editorial Board
SBP Research Bulletin
State Bank of Pakistan