State Bank of Pakistan Research Bulletin is an in the field of Economics (in the category “Z”). It aims at publishing high-quality research in the area of macroeconomics with special emphasis on monetary and exchange rate economics and policy issues, including those related to banking and finance. SBP Research Bulletin is a double blind peer reviewed (by at least one international reviewer) economics research journal. The Research Bulletin also publishes special comments, by invitation only, in its 'opinion' section and has a section on 'book reviews' as well. It is indexed & abstracted internationally. The Research Bulletin is indexed in EconLit, which is the American Economic Association's comprehensive resource to the world's economic literature. SBP also indexes the Research Bulletin into global database of research papers in economics (RePEc). The Research Bulletin is Advised by a Board consisting of eminent economists and scholars of international repute. The Editorial Board is responsible for overall management of the Bulletin and consists of economists from State Bank of Pakistan.