2013 |
English Version |
Urdu Version |
State Bank releases Payment Systems Review (27.12.2013) |
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SBP reminds public to exchange decimal Coins of Paisa 1,2,5,10,25 & 50 (23.12.2013) |
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Agricultural credit disbursement by banks goes up (23.12.2013) |
Fresh laws needed to ensure information safety: Deputy Governor SBP (10.12.2013) |
‘Workers’ Remittances Rise Over 7% to $6.4 Billion in First Five Months of FY14’ (10.12.2013) |
State Bank security tightened (03-12-2013) |
Suspension of License of M/s Gohar Exchange Company-B (Pvt) Ltd (28.11.2013) |
SBP allocates Rs.360 billion agriculture credit disbursement target for banks (21.11.2013) |
SBP reminds public to exchange decimal Coins of Paisa 1,2,5,10,25 & 50 (20.112013) |
State Bank raises Policy Rate to 10 percent (13.11.2013) |
Workers’ Remittances Rise Over 6% to $5.3 Billion in First Four Months of FY14 (11.11.2013) |
SBP launches Livestock Insurance Scheme for borrowers (01.11.2013) |
Old design banknotes of Rs 50 & Rs 1000 to phase out (30.10.2013) |
Branchless banking accounts grow by 10 percent (25.10.2013) |
SBP to remain closed on Friday 18 Oct (14.10.2013) |
Finance Minister & SBP Governor meet with MD IMF Lagarde (14.10.2013) |
State Bank issued 268m fresh notes before Eid-ul-Azha (14.10.2013) |
Public Holidays (11.10.2013) |
Worker's Remittances Rise Over 9% to $3.9 Billion in First Quarter of FY14 (10.10.2013) |
SBP advises banks to ensure availability of ATM services during Eid holidays |
Fresh Notes on Eid-ul- Adzha (03.10.2013) |
State Bank advises banks to receive donations to PM's Balochistan Earthquake Relief Fund (01.10.2013) |
SBP Links Minimum Rate of Return on Saving Deposits With Repo Rate (27.09.2013) |
SMEs can serve as growth engine of economy: Governor SBP’ (19.09.2013) |
SBP Releases Payment System Review of 4th Quarter FY13’ (19.09.2013) |
State Bank raises policy rate by 50 basis points to 9.5 percent' (13.09.2013) |
Workers' Remittances Rise Over 7% to $2.6 Billion in First Two Months of FY14’ (12.09.2013) |
'Finance Minister Meets Financial Sector Players, Corporate Leaders, and Representative of Exchange Companies' (29.08.2013) |
Yaseen Anwar Stresses upon Islamic Finance Industry to Develop Islamic Microfinance (27.08.2013) |
SBP Decides to Change The Monetary Policy Announcement Schedule (24.08.2013) |
State Bank Implements Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6) (16.08.2013) |
Overseas Pakistanis remit $1.4 billion in July (13.08.2013) |
Branchless Banking accounts grow by 14 percent (31.07.2013) |
Finance Minister visits State Bank of Pakistan (26.07.2013) |
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Issuance of Special Quota for Designated Branches (23.07.2013 ) |
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State Bank Invites Suggestions/Views on Concept Paper and Regulations for Establishment of Electronic Payment Gateways (24.07.2013) |
Fresh Currency Bank notes (23.07.2013) |
Banks surpass annual agri credit disbursement target (23.07.2013) |
Governor SBP launches Islamic Banking Media Campaign’ (18.07.2013) |
SBP Deputy Governor Assures Financial Inclusion will remain a Key Policy Objective of the State Bank (10.07.2013) |
Pakistan Receives $13.92 bln Workers’ Remittances in FY13’ (10.07.2013) |
State Bank reduces policy rate by 50 basis points to 9 percent' (21.06.2013) |
Agricultural credit disbursement surges by 15.49% to Rs 294.53 bln in eleven months of FY13’ (21.06.2013) |
SAARCFINANCE, Asian Clearing Union meetings conclude: Pakistan assumes ACU chair' (19.06.2013) |
Dr. Ha-Joon Chang Highlights Role of State in Economic Development’ (18.06.2013) |
Economy continues to face fiscal and external challenges in Q3-FY13: SBP Quarterly Report - (13-06-2013) |
Workers’ remittances reach $12.76 billion in eleven months of FY13 (10.06.2013) |
Pakistan's Liquid Foreign Reserves Position |
94.4% banks' branches offer Real Time Online Banking services in Pakistan: SBP (29.05.2013) |
Agricultural credit disbursement surges by 15.74% to Rs 259.1 bln in first ten months of FY13 (21.05.2013) |
Workers’ Remittances Rise Over 6.37% to $11.57 Billion in First Ten Months of FY13 (13-05-2013) |
State Bank issues revised Prudential Regulations for SME Financing (7.05.2013) |
Currency Swap Arrangement with China becomes operational and Auction announced: SBP (07.05.2013) |
Branchless Banking accounts grow by 20 percent (03.05.2013) |
Agricultural credit disbursement surges by 17% to Rs 231.04 bln in first nine months of FY13 (22.04.2013) |
Economy showing mixed picture halfway into FY13 (13.04.2013) |
State Bank keeps Policy Rate unchanged at 9.5 percent (12.04.2013) |
Workers’ Remittances Rise Over 6.35% to $10.35 Billion in First Nine Months of FY13 (10-04-2013) |
State Bank denies designating contesting candidates as defaulters; SBP spokesman (05-04-2013) |
Apex Committee for Student Loan Scheme approves Rs. 105.849 million for the session 2011-2012 (02-04-2013) |
Agricultural credit disbursement surges by 13.65% to Rs 196.11 bln in first eight months of FY13 (March 21, 2013) |
SBP Central Board of Directors |
SBP, Banks to Remain Open Tomorrow (March 16) |
Mobile Banking - a game changer in banking, m-commerce & financial inclusion: Yaseen Anwar |
State Bank advises banks to forward textile exporters’ claims to SBP BSC offices |
Mr. Ashraf Mahmood Wathra Appointed Deputy Goveror,, State Bank of Pakistan (06.03.2013) |
Pakistan’s economy has the ability to navigate through choppy waters: Yaseen Anwar (05.03.2013) |
Financial System must play a more meaningful role in the economic development of the country: Yaseen Anwar |
Five New Directors Appointed on Central Board (27.02.2013) |
Loan Defaulters' List: State Bank's Clarification (22-02-2013) |
Agri Credit disbursement surges by over 13% to Rs169.42bn in first seven months of FY13 (21.02.2013) |
Small Enterprises/farmers get Rs 2.83 bln bank financing under SBP Credit Guarantee Scheme (20.02.2013) |
SBP advises public to lodge complaint against Exchange Companies for violating its instructions (14-02-2013) |
SBP launches Automated System for conduct of Primary Auction of MTBs & PIBs (14.02.2013) |
94% banks' branches offering Real-Time Online Banking services in Pakistan: SBP - (13 Feb, 2013) |
Workers’ Remittances Rise Over 10.36% to $8.20 Billion in First Seven Months of FY13 (11.02.2013) |
State Bank keeps policy rate unchanged at 9.50%: Yaseen Anwar |
Mr. Yaseen Anwar stresses the need for inculcating risk culture for sound management of operational risks (07 Feb, 2013) |
SBP Deputy Governor Calls for Building Inclusive and Stable Financial Sector in Pakistan |
SBP issues licence to U Microfinance Bank to operate at national level (01 Feb, 2013) |
Pakistan's economy grows by 3.7% in FY12: SBP Annual Report (30 Jan, 2013) |
SBP pursuing multi-pronged strategy to tackle the challenge of financial exclusion in Pakistan: Yaseen Anwar |
SBP issues licence to exchange companies |
Agricultural credit disbursement surges by 12% to Rs 140.32 bn in first half of FY13 |
SBP Governor, Mr. Yaseen Anwar Calls Upon Banks to Develop Robust Strategy for Meeting Banking Needs of SMEs (16 Jan, 2013) |
Mr. Yaseen Anwar stresses upon the need to develop & implement good governance practices to promote economic growth (15 Jan, 2013) |
Workers' Remittances Rise Over 12.51% to $7.11 Billion in First Half of FY13 (10 Jan, 2013) |
Kazi Abdul Muktadir urges upon financial industry to take steps for promoting SMEs through innovative banking solutions (07 Jan, 2013) |
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Mr. Yaseen Anwar outlines 10-point banking strategy for robust growth of financial system in Pakistan (07 Jan, 2013) |
SBP allows Advans Pakistan Microfinance Bank to commence business (03 Jan, 2013) |
SBP launches new Financing Facility for boosting exports (03 Jan, 2013) |
SBP to publish Bank-wise Interest Rate Corridor Activity on Quarterly Basis (02 Jan, 2013) |
e-Banking transactions grow by 15 per cent in first quarter of FY13 (02.01.2013) |
SBP reduces refinance rate and services charges on its various schemes (01 Jan, 2013) |