Islamic banking is defined as banking system which is in consonance with the spirit, ethos and value system of Islam and governed by the principles laid down by Islamic Shariah. Interest free banking is a narrow concept denoting a number of banking instruments or operations which avoid interest. Islamic banking, the more general term, is based not only to avoid interest-based transactions prohibited in Islamic Shariah but also to avoid unethical and un-social practices. In practical sense, Islamic Banking is the transformation of conventional money lending into transactions based on tangible assets and real services. The model of Islamic banking system leads towards the achievement of a system which helps achieve economic Prosperity.
Philosophy of Islamic Banking
The philosophy of Islamic banking takes the lead from Islamic Shariah. According to Islamic Shariah, Islamic banking cannot deal in transactions involving interest/riba (an increase stipulated or sought over the principal of a loan or debt). Further, they cannot deal in the transactions having the element of Gharar or Maiser. Moreover, they cannot deal in any transaction, the subject matter of which is invalid (haram in the eyes of Islam). Islamic banks focus on generating returns through investment tools which are Shariah compliant as well. Islamic Shariah links the gain on capital with its performance. Operating within the ambit of Shariah, the operations of Islamic banking are based on sharing the risk which may arise through trading and investment activities using contracts of various Islamic modes of finance.
FAQs on Islamic Banking
Essentials of Islamic Banking
The Commission for Transformation of Financial System set up in the State Bank of Pakistan in pursuant to the Supreme Court Judgment on Riba dated December 23, 1999 approved essentials of Islamic modes of financing including Musharaka, Mudaraba, Murabaha, Musawama, Leasing, Salam and Istisna. The State Bank of Pakistan’s Shariah Board has reviewed and approved these essentials of Islamic modes of financing and recommended that the same may be circulated to the banks conducting Islamic banking business in Pakistan as guidelines.
For details see: Essentials of Islamic Modes of Financing