Statistical Data / Periodicals Usage Survey
Monthly Statistical Bulletin
Export of Goods & Services (Quarterly)
Import of Goods & Services ( Quarterly )
Export Receipts (Annual)
Inflation Monitor
Statistics on Scheduled Banks in Pakistan
Financial Statement Analysis of Joint Stock Companies (Non-Financial) Listed at Karachi Stock Exchange
Financial Statement Analysis of Financial Sector
Banking Statistics of Pakistan
Pakistan's Balance of Payments
Internal Investment Position of Pakistan
Data Tables
Handbook of Statistics on Pakistan Economy 2005
Survey Mailing Address: Director, Statistics & Data Warehouse Department State Bank of Pakistan, I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan. Facsimile: (+9221) 9921 2569 E-mail:[email protected]
To our data users, The stakeholders’ feedback in the improvement of any product is very important. We are producing and disseminating statistical data since long. Paving the way towards international compatibility, standards and enhancing utility of products for our valued stakeholders, we are striving hard to make our disseminations useful, attractive and fulfilling to your needs. This can be made more useful and valuable for you provided we get your feedback to ensure that: The disseminated data / statistical publications meet your needs in terms of content, and timeliness, and The material is presented in the format / layout most useful to you: A few minutes you spend completing this survey form or electronic format on would payback in the form of value addition to the statistical stuff you receive from our end. Regards, Mr. Mazhar Hussain Senior Joint DirectorStatistics and Data Warehouse Department
To our data users,
The stakeholders’ feedback in the improvement of any product is very important. We are producing and disseminating statistical data since long. Paving the way towards international compatibility, standards and enhancing utility of products for our valued stakeholders, we are striving hard to make our disseminations useful, attractive and fulfilling to your needs. This can be made more useful and valuable for you provided we get your feedback to ensure that:
A few minutes you spend completing this survey form or electronic format on would payback in the form of value addition to the statistical stuff you receive from our end.
Mr. Mazhar Hussain Senior Joint DirectorStatistics and Data Warehouse Department
Pakistani Foreigner
Less than 40% 40% to 70% 71% to 100%
2. Which tables/ variables do you regularly use?
How frequently you use? (daily,weekly,monthly,annualy etc.)
Table No./ Variable
Please check v the appropriate below “1” for Superfluous, “2” for Enough and “3” for Lacking
1 2 3 Please specify superfluous/ lacking
Frequent Just Right Less Frequent Please specify desired frequency
Regularly For updated data Occasionally Please specify frequency