No. |
Contents |
1 |
An Overview, Prospects and Executive Summary (Size
in pdf 154 KB)
- 1.1
- 1.2
Looking Forward
- 1.3
Executive Summary
- 1.3.1
Economic Growth, Savings and Investment
- 1.3.2
- 1.3.3
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
- 1.3.4
Money and Banking
- 1.3.5
Domestic and External Debt.
- 1.3.6
Balance of Payments
2 |
Economic Growth, Savings and Investment
(Size in pdf 552 KB)
- 2.1
- 2.2
Performance of Agriculture Sector
- 2.2.1
Crop Sector
- 2.2.2 Livestock
- 2.2.3 Fisheries
- 2.2.4 Forestry
- 2.2.5 Agriculture Credit
- 2.2.6 Irrigation of Water
- 2.2.7
Other Inputs
- 2.3
- 2.3.1
Infrastructure Industries Index (III)
- 2.3.2
Industries by End Use
- 2.3.3
Capacity Utilization in Large Scale Manufacturing
- 2.4 Services
- 2.4.1
Finance and Insurance
- 2.4.2 Wholesale and Retail Trade
- 2.4.3 Transport, Storage and Communication
- 2.5 Investment
- 2.5.1
Real Fixed Investment
- 2.6 Foreign Direct Investment
- 2.7 National Savings
3 |
Prices (Size
in pdf 187 KB)
- 3.1
Global Inflation Scenario
- 3.2
Domestic Scenario
- 3.3 Consumer Price Index
- 3.3.1
CPI Food Group
- 3.3.2 CPI Non Food Group
- 3.4
Incidence of Inflation
- 3.5
Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
- 3.6 Sensitive Price Indicator
- 3.7 Wage Inflation
- 3.8
Inflation during July-Sep FY07
4. |
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy (Size
in pdf 266 KB)
- 4.1
- 4.2
Fiscal Performance Indicators
- 4.2.1
Balance Indicators
- 4.2.2
Revenue Indicators
- 4.2.3
Expenditure Indicators
- 4.3 Fiscal
Development at the Federal level
- 4.3.1
CBR Tax Performance
- 4.3.2
- 4.3.3
Non-Tax Revenue
- 4.3.4
Federal Expenditures
- 4.3.5 Financing of Federal Budget
- 4.4 Provincial Budgetary Operations FY05
5 |
Money and Banking (Size
in pdf 250 KB)
- 5.1
Monetary Policy
- 5.2
Monetary Survey
- 5.2.1 Net Foreign Assets
- 5.2.2 Net Domestic Assets-NDA
- 5.2.3
Deposit Mobilization
- 5.3 Money Market
- 5.3.1
Primary Market
- 5.3.2 Secondary Market
- 5.4 Capital Markets
- 5.4.1
Mutual Funds
- 5.4.2
Corporate Debt Market
Section 5.1: Reserve Requirements for Commercial Banks
6 |
Domestic and External Debt (Size
in pdf 424 KB)
- 6.1
- 6.2 Domestic Debt
- 6.2.1
Composition of Domestic Debt
- 6.2.2
Classification of Domestic Debt by Owner
- 6.3 External
- 6.3.1
Debt Dynamics
- 6.3.2
Structure of External Debt and Liabilities
Balance of Payments (Size
in pdf 785 KB)
- 7.1
International Economic Situation
- 7.2
- 7.3
External Sector Indicators
- 7.3.1 Current Account Balance
- 7.3.2 Financial Account
- 7.4
Foreign Exchange Reserves
- 7.5
Trade Account
8 |
Social Sector Developments (Size
in pdf 185 KB)
- 8.1 Overview
- 8.2 Population
- 8.3 Poverty and Income Inequality
- 8.4
- 8.5 Education
- 8.6 Health
- 8.7
Team |
Acknowledgement |
Annexure |
of Acronyms |