Circulars/Notifications - Islamic Banking Department  
 IBD Circular No. 01 of 2018
June 07, 2018

The Presidents / Chief Executives,
All Islamic Banks, Islamic Banking Subsidiary and
All Conventional Banks having Islamic Banking Branches

Dear Madam / Sir

Shari’ah Governance Framework (SGF) for Islamic Banking Institutions (IBIs)

         Please refer to IBD Circular No. 1 of 2015 wherein ‘Shari’ah Governance Framework for Islamic banking institutions (IBIs) was notified. The framework was applicable with effect from July 01, 2015.

2.     In view of the industry practices and considering the feedback received from various quarters, the Framework has been further refined and is being issued for compliance by IBIs. Further, IBD Circular Letter No.1 of 2016 and IBD Circular Letter No.1 of 2017, have been made part of the revised Framework, therefore, both the circulars stands withdrawn. The Framework shall come into force with immediate effect. The IBIs are advised to make all the necessary arrangements to comply with the requirements of the Framework and submit compliance status to IBD-SBP by July 31, 2018.

3.     Any non-compliance with provisions of the Framework will render the bank liable for penal action under the provisions of Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.

4.     Please acknowledge receipt.

Encl: Shari’ah Governance Framework for IBIs

Yours faithfully,


(Ghulam Muhammad)

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