Attention of Authorized Dealers (ADs) is invited to EPD Circular Letter No. 04 dated July 01, 2024 on the subject.
2. In this regard, as per the Ministry of Industries and Production’s Office Memorandum (O.M) F. No. 1(6)/2022-23-CAO dated September 04, 2024 (copy attached), the Federal Cabinet has approved fifteen (15) days extension in the forty-five (45) days time period already allowed for shipment of sugar export consignment, as communicated vide above referred circular letter, in the following manner:
- For the unutilized export quota of sugar mills from Punjab, fifteen (15) days effective from the date of issuance of this decision of the cabinet; and
- For other Provinces, the extension period shall commence from the date of allocation of quota by the Provincial Cane Commissioner.
3. The above extension in shipment period shall not be applicable on sugar mills, which have failed to use export proceeds for payment to growers.
4. ADs are advised to bring the above additional instructions to the knowledge of all their constituents and ensure meticulous compliance there against.
Encl: As Above