Attention of Authorized Dealers (ADs) is invited to EPD Circular Letter No. 20 dated December 28, 2015 regarding the above subject.
2. In this regard, ADs may find enclosed Ministry of Commerce’s (MoC) Office Memorandum No. 7(2)/2012-E.III dated January 19, 2016 in terms of which it has been decided that federal share of cash support on export of sugar shall be provided only to those sugar mills which purchase sugarcane at a minimum price of PKR 180/40 kgs from the farmers.
3. In order to implement the decision conveyed above, MoC has further clarified that purchase of sugarcane from farmers at minimum price of PKR 180/40 kgs may be ensured through a certificate issued by the concerned Cane Commissioner.
4. All other instructions on the subject shall remain unchanged.
5. Authorized Dealers are advised to bring the same to the notice of all their constituents.
Encl: As above