The Presidents/Chief Executives of all
Authorized Dealers in Foreign Exchange/
Domestic Shipping Companies
Monthly Statement of Earnings and Expenses of Domestic Shipping Companies
Attention of the Authorized Dealers, domestic shipping companies is invited to F.E. Circular No. 11 dated June 16, 2003 in terms of which they are required to submit the captioned statement on prescribed format to Statistics & Data Warehouse Department, State Bank of Pakistan.
2. Pursuant to adoption of International Standards in accordance with the guidelines contained in the 6th Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) of the IMF and to enhance scope & converge of data, the questionnaire on earnings and expenses of domestic shipping companies i.e. Appendix V-50 of FE Manual (2016) has been revised.
3. You are, therefore, advised to submit the captioned statement from the month of July 2016 and onwards to Statistics & Data Warehouse Department on the enclosed format at [email protected] by 18th of the following month.
4. In case of any query, please contact Muhammad Bilal Rana, Assistant Director at 021-3245 5662 or [email protected].
5. All other instructions on the subject shall remain unchanged.
6. Authorized Dealers are advised to bring the same to the notice of all their constituents and ensure meticulous compliance.
Encl: As above