The Presidents/Chief Executives of all
Authorized Dealers in Foreign Exchange
Dear Sirs / Madam,
Attention of the Authorized Dealers (ADs) is invited to SBP letter No.5322/EPP.16 (37)/ Misc.-2016 dated March 01, 2016 in terms of which feedback of ADs was invited on draft FE Manual. In this respect, Authorized Dealers are advised that the Foreign Exchange Manual has been updated by incorporating the changes made in foreign exchange regulations through various FE Circulars and Circular Letters etc. issued upto April 30, 2016. Some of the existing instructions/paragraphs have been slightly amended in order to make them more clear.
2. Further, some of the prescribed forms (Appendix V) have also been revised as a consequence of changes made in the relevant instructions and serial numbers of
the forms have been rearranged.
3. Foreign Exchange Manual has been placed on the State Bank’s website
4. Please bring the above to the notice of your all constituents.
Link for: Foreign Exchnage Manual - 2016 (Updated up to April 30, 2016)