Attention of Authorized Dealers is invited
to F.E. Circular No. 20 dated the 2nd October, 2000 in
terms of which it was decided that Small Indenting Houses/Agents
whose indenting income does not exceed Rs. 5,000,000 (Rupees
five million) per annum are not required to submit the
above statement to State Bank of Pakistan.
2. It has now been decided that the above
relaxation will be available to all those Indenting Houses/Agents
whose indenting income does not exceed US$ 100,000 per
3. Consequent upon the above decision
the last line of para 2(i) (c) of Chapter XXI of the Foreign
Exchange Manual (7th Edition, 1992) may be changed as
“US$ 100,000/- per annum”.
4. Please bring the above change to the
notice of your constituents in your area.