Authorized Dealers
In Foreign Exchange,
of Authorized Dealers is invited to the last sentence of
para (i) of the "Press Release" circulated vide
F.E. Circular No. 142 dated the 6th October, 1991 in terms
of which the Authorized Money Changers are required to make
an application to the State Bank for renewal of the licenses
two weeks before the expiry date of relative license. It
has now been decided to extend the above time limit to seven
days from the date of expiry of the license e.g. in case
license expires on 31st July, application for renewal should
be received in State Bank Office by 7th August. It should,
however, be noted that in case application for renewal of
the license is not made within the extended time limit mentioned
above i.e. within 7 days from the expiry date of the license,
the relative license shall be treated to have lapsed and
the Authorized Money Changer concerned will be required
to obtain fresh license on payment of the prescribed fee
which at present is Rs.10,000.00.
In so far as the license which have expired on or before
the date of issue of this circular are concerned, the requests
for renewal can be made within 7 days from the date of issue
of this circular and in the event of failure to do so the
Money changers concerned will have to obtain fresh license
on payment of prescribed fee.
Please bring the above to the notice of your constituents.