Strategic Plan 2011-15



The Strategic Planning framework sets out the priorities and actions that SBP will adopt in pursuing its Vision. The Plan is a multi-leveled framework, cascading down from high-level, medium to longer-term strategic goals to short-term detailed projects and activities. Whereas the Values underpin the culture needed for implementation, the planning framework provides the cohesion between the detail and Vision.

Level 1 - Strategic Goals:
These are the highest level and relate to the organization’s aspirations, purpose, and vision for the period ahead. Whereas the Goals outline the big picture of the Strategic Plan the components that come below these goals can collectively be thought of as the battle plan, or stepping stones on the path towards the achievement of the Goals. Whereas Goals are aspirational, Objectives, Projects, and Action Plans should be practical.

Level 2 – Strategic Sub-Goals/Tactical Objectives:
These are specific outcomes that achieve or move the organization towards a goal. Tactical Objectives should be measurable and prioritized by a finalization date. They should identify other stakeholders/parties that may need to be involved. They are still usually at a sufficiently high-level that several work-streams of Projects may be required to achieve the desired outcomes. Each Tactical Objective should have a Steering Committee which may cut across Clusters or Departments.

Level 3 – Development Projects:
Projects are detailed initiatives or activities that deploy resources towards achieving the Tactical Objectives. These are smaller, usually self contained, projects or activities that sit under a single Objective.

Level 4 – Action Plans:
Action Plans are the detailed maps for implementing a Project. An Action Plan is normally drawn up by the Team Leader for the Project. It sets out who, what, when, where and how activities will take place to implement the Strategy. It should also identify capability requirements and any gaps in people, processes and technology.

Level 5 – Project Evaluation:
To be effective, a Strategic Plan must consist of Projects that are achievable and outcomes that can be measured. In some cases the measure of success may simply be meeting a deadline. In most cases, however, measuring success requires a more complex metric.

Level 6 – Review:
While the Project Evaluation process is critical for assessing the success or otherwise of individual Projects, it is equally important that each organization takes a regular top-down perspective on its effectiveness in delivering the overall Strategic Plan. The Review process provides opportunity to determine whether Action Plans are being implemented, critical activities concluded in a timely fashion, and whether Strategic Goals and Objectives retain their priority and relevance. In many cases the Review process will involve benchmarking and either peer or external review.

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